The air conditioning has been out in our house for the last two days, and with the current temps on the rise again + throw in a big bad batch of humidity, it has been hellish for me to dress “liza style” (can you see my jazz hands?).

When I get home, the first thing I want to do is strip, but I need to keep it G-rated, as we have to open all the windows, in hopes that we will feel a breeze. In the mornings, I want to wear something cool, non fussy and kinda of on the low spectrum of fashiony (?) . So by day 3, I grabbed a simple shift dress, by vince. It is the kind of dress that is loose, non-clingy, no fuss, and is well kind of  lacking a little something. After looking through my accessory drawer, I grabbed my chunky resin necklace. It is the kind of chunky that when I walk it makes some noise, and it has a little weight to it, but it was just what I was looking for. After several compliments on it, I was happy to be cool, comfortable and non boring.