Ah, so rested after a great visit down south with family, friends, pets and my hubby. I know it has been a while since this blog has been updated.

I admit, I was feeling a bit melancholy, 3 1/2 months was the longest I had been separated from the comfort of my hubby, pets and home. I made it through. The funny thing, once I got back home I felt like I had never left. I fell into my habits, conversations with friends and family was as if I had seen them a few days prior. We picked up where we left off  “Come over to my house to hang out, catch up and drink”. My hubby and I saw a movie, walked our little Una, and talked about what we were going to have for dinner. Being in the room with him, watching our favorite shows on the telly, joking around with one another.

I always say “it is the simple things that can be so nice”. I am back refreshed, with my clothes, shoes and handbags. Back into the swing of work and looking forward to when my hubby visits me, which will be sooner than later. I’ve got a smile on my face as  I type this thinking of the things we will do when he is here!