I read recently that when you really want something, such as reaching a goal/milestone, you become part of this energy vortex. You may not have everything finalized but while in this vortex all those things that need to get done to reach that goal, start to fall into place. I know, right? I’ve never been a “New Ager”, but I truly believe all these things that have happened to make a move to New York, has been helped along by my vortex. I know what I want to achieve and I am pretty certain of what I need to do to get it done, so there is a plan in place. I will admit I am a tiny bit nervous, but I have always been the one with the “rose colored glasses”, and “the glass is half full”. I also believe things happen for a reason. I know my failures have had an underlying reason for occurring. I also had some great successes, I like those and I know there are more of those in me.

I apologize, my posting has been pretty sporadic lately. I have lots going on in the next few weeks. I’ve got to tackle how to pack a predominantly summer themed wardrobe to accommodate a dead in winter wardrobe (even though the warm temps up north have been kind of weird…is that part of my vortex?). I am traveling with one suitcase, and shipped boxes to follow. How to prioritize!? I also will be getting our home ready for a my Mama’s visit. What fun, we are looking so forward to having her here with us.  I also realize that when it comes down to it, I will have to say goodbye to my family, hubby, pets, and the comforts of our home. I will be back and forth but that initial good bye…Yikes.