Thomas Ericksson for Cappellini Cross medicine cabinet unica HOME $821.

Have you been over at a friend’s house, or at a party, and while in the bathroom you get that sudden urge to open the medicine cabinet and see what is inside?

Or if your walking your four legged friend at night, you find yourself looking into your neighboors windows as you walk by to get a glimpse of their world? It’s funny, how we all must have a little voyeur in us. If this is up your alley, you have to subscribe to this great blog called “the COVETEUR“, it is currently one of my favorites.  You get to see such beautifully, arranged closets (OMG!) of style savvy people. Perfectly displayed, and very inspiring. If anything, it will make you want to showcase those special items that you have hidden away in your closet. They also include a bio of the stylish owner who’s fashion world we get to take a peek at.

I’m hooked and I’m sure you will be, plus,  you won’t feel creepy for looking.